About Me


I have never really been good at writing about myself, partly because I have learnt to present myself in many different ways depending on social expectations and partly because when I do I am rarely honest to the reader.


So after what can only be described as a Zig Zag of a personal life, I find myself sat trying to pen this short bio.


Attempting to describe myself honestly, I would say that I am a person who struggles with the concept of binary decisions and life. I am a great believer that we should all be a bit less judgemental and spend more time reflecting on our personal needs rather than making choices based on the opinions of others.


I always found myself hiding some part of my personality whether it is from friends, work colleagues or lovers until around 8 years ago. After hitting rock bottom I started working my way through various forms of therapy in an attempting to put myself in a box which I viewed as acceptable to other people, however in doing so actually achieved the exact opposite.


I started writing as a coping mechanism express my feelings and emotions, which then morphed into an unapologetic journey through my experiences and desires too.


I have always been fascinated by all forms of sexuality and this new venture is my way of paying homage to people being brave enough to make their dreams a reality. 


I don’t intend my stories to be perfect in anyway and although I sometimes cringe at the way I have written parts, I like to think of them as journal of my thoughts and a demonstration of writing development as I continue to explore.


As some point hope to pen a full biography and publish it on kindle too, I feel that not enough is done to discuss mental health and our societies taboo's, we should all be try to be far more open and hope that by writing about my own experiences I may encourage others to do the same.